Muijh'a Tayuun.

Himbo of Light? Sure.


Full name : Muijh'a Tayuun
Nickname : Muijh, Muij or Himbo.
Age: 30
Gender : Male
Height : 5 foot 8
Body type : Well built, muscular tone.
Race : Seeker of the Moon 'Miqo'te'
Orientation : Bisexual, Female lean / Monogamous / Dom Sub Switch.
Birth Place : Fallgourd Float
Martial Status : Single
Occupations: Currently a freelancer, generally helps out when he can.
Traits : Loyal, brash, careless, assertive, flirtatious, impulsive, fearless, hearty, often enigmatic
This Keeper of the moon stands at about five foot eight, eyes the color of lavender. With skin kissed by the sun, despite his upbringing being in the black shroud..Muijh'a isn't your normal keeper. A scar could be seen across his face, given when he was much younger from a group of adolescent poachers. Any other details..well that's for you to find out.// wip




The name is Ki and I'm new to the roleplaying scene in Final Fantasy XIV ! Still trying to figure this all out, so please be patient! Located in the Crystal Server, I'm open to tells and dm's if interested :) Up to date with current game content! I do have Discord but only willing to share later on, however you can follow my twitter listed below! I just really love his big tits .....thanks♡ My replies can be slow! Work kinda eats my brain but I'm usually around discord!♡ I'm totes game for discord or in game rp! might be a bit slow but I do my best.♡Just hit me up for anything else! i'm so bad at carrds help.